Let me spell this out for you, Thomas: the “Biden too old” narrative is because, wait for it, Biden is a senile 81-year-old cognitively dysfunctional, corrupt, pathological liar and mediocrity. When Trump wins in November, a huge part of the reason will be people like you that defended and downplayed the mental challenges of the worst president in U.S. history. If you think Biden is the best candidate that the Democratic Party can put forward, that says tons about the weakness of today’s Democratic Party.

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I’m sorry, insulting tokens of carried water are sure as hell not a worthwhile accomplishment. The whole legislative agenda has been nothing but a dog and pony show.

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Let’s just go with “DNC donor class fellation tool” is a good government or quality policy. Age doesn’t matter. We want to quality fucking candidate.

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Why doesn't anyone ever ask about Chuck Grassley's age?

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So Biden is said to be too old to be an effective president? Well yes he is several years older than Trump was when *he* was elected. But I believe that only those who are completely enraptured with Trump can possibly fail to see that Biden has been *much* more effective as president.

As for being too old compared to Trump, it's as though they regard Trump as being a much younger man. But the truth is that Biden and Trump were in high school at the same time! Yes Biden was a senior when Trump was a freshman, but that doesn't alter the fact that the youthful Trump is 95% as old as Biden.

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Is it really unfair to presume that all of these professional opinion peddlers deep down want Trump to win? C’mon.

I don’t think it’s too cynical or shallow to assume such a thing. Maureen Dowd believes in nothing discernible, Brett Stevens believes in endless wars and disaster capitalism, and Ross Douthat believes in a fantasyland version of Catholic conservatism. None of these people have anything to really *like* about Biden, and they certainly have nothing to like about anyone to the left of Biden (which is most Americans but not most of the Dem party).

There ARE so many things they could hit Biden for, but they choose *this* one because they believe it’s the most effective and non-partisan. These same exact people have been running cover for Trump on the same issue, even though both men have publicly demonstrated some obviously worrisome behavior, cognitively speaking.

They like seeing Trump on TV more than they like seeing Biden on TV. They like the numbers Trump brings them more than they like the numbers Biden brings them.

These are shallow, legacy media hacks with no conviction to speak of. I truly do not doubt one bit that they fear Trump presidency at all. If they do, they would say it with their whole chest. But they never do.

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Isn’t all politics vibes?

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Excellent piece. Thank you!

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Thank you. This article thoroughly described all viewpoints and was such an interesting read. I am so glad I began to follow you. I look forward to any future posts, knowing you will do a deep dive into whatever subject you take on.

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Feb 14·edited Feb 15

People who say “Biden should step aside,” fail to address that the reason Biden is being raked over the coals about his age is because they have NO other point to criticize Biden. Of course there are many excellent Democratic options to run for president. Yet to think that any of these unvetted possibilities wouldn’t face other attacks is ridiculous. Yes, Biden is 679 years old. He has experience and is close to the grandchildren whom he loves. He gets the young people’s perspective very well because of this.

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Biden has done a fantastic job, has a great team behind him and decades of devotion & political know how. FDR was practically on his deathbed when he was reelected. I have zero fears about another Biden administration. He said the only reason he was running was because trump was, & he’s already beaten him once. That was BEFORE Dobbs & insanity around Lgbtq & trans & racism blatantly flourished. I’m not worried.

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Amazing article! You did a great job explaining the debate in deep detail.

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There is pretty pervasive agism, but there is also a large bias against people who are not in the mold of celebrity “looking” candidates or people who are more intellectual than boosterish. Our tv culture really privileges sunny smiles, good hair and robust appearance. Biden is creaky, but well dressed and distinguished, and he doesn’t care to wear a wig or makeup (fortunately).

Trump, fails this test, except that he plays to it, with his coif, spray tan and mob suits. Can you imagine Biden doing the fist bump pretend dance? This is so shallow. Look at the outfits and styling they put on tv hosts. Real humans have no chance.

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A thousand times this...."But, again, such a political attack is the price Democrats predictably have to pay for Merrick Garland’s refusal to accept that his idea of good-faith nonpartisanship hasn’t existed on the Republican side in a long time." I can't sleep at night because there seem to be so many in the Garland mindset. "My goodness. If we just play nice in this sandbox, all will be well again soon." Things are dire and while some people are waking up, others are just lost in a fog of denial.

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Who needs the right when we've got Axelrod and Carville making their case for them? 🙄

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These political writers need to go write for the culture section if they want to do theater criticism.

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