This is like communism all over again

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This world still belongs to one Sovereign Power....GOD! Whatever happens...HE will allow it for his purpose and his purpose only! It is what it is and it will be whatever GOD allows! There is no need to worry on either side.... just get right with the one true GOD....The one Paul preached! ❤️🙏🏾

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Do you really have these paranoid dreams? There is no need to go into the litany of abuses of the O'Biden regime to see that this is a massive exercise in psychological projection - claiming the opponent is preparing to do what you are intending to do or are actually doing.....

Thanks for sharing your dystopian vision of Amerika if the O'Biden regime stays in power.....

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What are their plans for the millions of Americans that practice religions other than Christianity?

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I am scared for these next few years, as we see the constitution crumble up into nothingness and the American empire is finally over. This plan is terrifying.

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Serious question: how do you differentiate "white Christian" vs "non-white Christian"?

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Sounds fantastic! Thank you for bringing this to my attention, and sealing my vote for Trump! This agenda will restore the national interest and rid us of the woke cancer killing it!

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We need to start thinking differently about politics and the state. Threefolding has many fruitful ideas. See Seth Jordan's blog thewholesocial and mine, threefolding, both on substack.

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Nothing more than another conspiracy theory Oh wait only the right has those?

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Mar 21·edited Mar 21

American democracy died with the election of Nixon. It was transformed by Regan and Clinton into an inverted corporate totalitarian dictatorship ruled by oiligarchs. It is about to undergo a metamorphosis into a classic fascist dictatorship not dissimilar from the one orchestrated by the Mustache Man on the other side of the pond. It will be very unsavory, there will be persecution of minorities, militarism and ultimately a war with China. Such a war will probably escalate to a nuclear war so if climate change doesn't get us, nuclear war will.

If by some remote chance we survive this, the fascists will not. Ironically there is nothing like fascism to bring out the best in people, people who love rather than hate, people who build rather than destroy people who honor the other rather than the self.

The thing with fascists is they operate in a myth based world, they believe their own propaganda and they always over-reach in ways that bring their downfall.

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Now where have I read about this before. I know;

"The Christian Fascists and the War on America"

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I’m going to sleep better, knowing what Trumps plan is now, I’m so tired of this woke nonsense

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We’re not electing a Sundayschool teacher! We are electing a LEADER !!!!!!!

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Scary stuff here. Good and Evil fighting a big war

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I hate this man he can choke for all I care.

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