Recently the Cheneys have been the ones who have been the least likely to do unhelpful tone-policing (and push their even less helpful policy preferences) recently, while many of the other Never Trumpers have. This is a nuance that I feel some are missing.

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Outstanding essay! Thanks. You said exactly what I have been thinking. Nailed it!

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I’ve been suspicious about Republicans since Nixon; their white is right politics is only growing more dangerous. I’m grateful to Republicans who come out against Trump but am turned off when they credit Reagan.

Thank you for an excellent examination of Cheney’s & other Republicans motives. What I would like to see are Eisenhower Republicans like my parents, who are principled & don’t view Democrats as evil, baby killing socialists.

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I agree with your take. Here's another point: when you get all those anti-Trumpers out of the right-wing information ecosystem, I think it's likely that some of them will moderate on some policy positions. The people around them will be less crazy, perhaps a lot less crazy. We are social animals, and we calibrate our views depending, in part, on what people around us believe. Politicians are no different and perhaps are even more so.

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Thanks for this analysis. I have somewhat less problem with Liz Cheney than I do with her father. While she supported the Iraq War, he was probably THE key figure who brought it about—there's a LOT more blood on his hands and I wouldn't want to see him welcomed on a campaign stage with Harris or Walz. But if they can sway some Republicans to vote for Harris, I'll take it. (However, it should be recognized—which Reed Galen, who I respect, doesn't take into account—that the Harris campaign crowing about these endorsements AND moving to the center and continuing to support Israel's crimes in Gaza could ALSO lose votes on the left.)

Liz Cheney, like many Never Trumpers, is interesting to me because I wonder to what extent their exile from their GOP and their limited embrace by Democrats (and limited embrace OF Democrats) impacts their overall worldview. For example, Cheney has not only endorsed Harris. She's also endorsed Texas Democrat Colin Allred, who's running against Ted Cruz for the Senate. She referred within the past few days to Trump and Vance as "misogynistic pigs." I'd love to see her interviewed by someone like Isaac Chotiner, someone who could ask her about her past viciously partisan comments, like the quote you cited from 2019, “the party of anti-Semitism, the party of infanticide, the party of socialism.” How does she feel NOW not just about those quotes but about how the GOP got to where it is today? Has she reconsidered at all her opposition to voting rights bills, for example?

It's clear that some Never Trumpets have moved from a position primarily centered around criticism of trump to a more extensive embrace of the center left. Others haven't and spend almost as much time attacking the progressive wing of the Democratic Party as warning about Trumpets authoritarianism. When the Lincoln Project was first getting away, many on the left took the view that, sure, they're anti-Trump but they'll still support GOP power in Congress. But it hasn't turned out that way.

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"Trumpist" authoritarianism not "Trumpets." Thanks, TextEdit autocorrect.

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Excellent analysis. As always.

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This is an amazing read. It speaks to a lot of the dissonance I have had as I respect anti-Trump Republicans but often feel an annoyance to how the aberration myth is propped up. You lay out this conflict in a judicious and evidence-based manner. This is one of my favorite Substacks. Thank you for this.

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Excellent piece, Professor.

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You are correct. Take help where we can get it to defend our polity, but realize the former Republicans are not likely to come around to support Democratic policies.

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I appreciate this muchly. Given her position on Israel/Gaza and the southern border, voting for Harris already involves quite a bit of holding my nose on my part. The Cheneys' endorsement certainly didn't help.

I would like to know what you think about the DNC featuring so many former GOP speakers, but very few speakers from the party's far left (AOC, Sanders) and no one from the Uncommitted delegation. It seemed to me that the DNC is prioritizing disillusioned Nikki Haley voters over significant portions of their own base. Is that a fair interpretation?

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Thank you!! I’ve been thinking for two years that Cheney, Kinzinger, etc, are NOT excepting their role in Trump and trumpism. They were part of the problem!!

They got guts to call him out, but I’ve heard no introspection from them at all.

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Just a quick couple of points: 1) Elections are about winning. Take the help where you can get it. 2) These people have abandoned their careers and have faced personal threats to themselves and their families. If Trump does win again, they’re on lists you’re not.

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Where I disagree with the writer of this article is that Cheneys are recent offenders. if anything they are the (very recent) Never Trump models, they endorsed Harris with next to no demands on the coalition they enter, unlike some others who are. Some Never Trumpers are asking for a lot more accommodations than they seem to understand and are deeply misleading in their tone-policing. All this may be pushing out other segments of the Democratic coalition, so taking this "help" might not end up helping much.

I live in a red area where I am on lists too, I don't think that really makes a difference in this.

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And we are on lists they are not

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Agree with Reed’s take at the moment. I’m not against the premise of Thomas’s argument but this discussion should be had after MAGA is defeated. Cheney’s endorsement should be a very welcome development for the pro-democracy movement and beating Trump is the only thing that matters at the moment.

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Well said, end them all to the dustbin of history

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Folks should stand back and realize one or more of these individuals are likely TRAITORS not just to the Democratic Party who are mere MOLES TO THE DESTRUCTION OF AMERICA

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Wonderful piece. I’ve been thinking that if we democrats lionize Cheney so much, it will come back and bite us in the rear in the future. I’m glad she’s voting for Harris, that’s important. But she’s not for expanding voting rights. Not for women’s reproductive rights. Not for SCOTUS reform. Not for gun control. We still will need to run against her, as Dems, and win. Let’s not forget that .

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Your focus on Liz Cheney, as an archetype, really helped me shape my thoughts on the disruptions (or maybe not you suggest) in the Republican Party. Only moderately interested, at the moment, whether Cheney, Kinzinger go down the drain or emerge as leaders of a more policy oriented conservative movement.

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