I think you meant ". . . the Right’s reactionary assault on democracy is highly UNcertain."

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I'm glad you mentioned Kershaw. I've read The Hitler Myth and the abridged version of the Hitler bio. The idea of charismatic leadership prepared me for the ascent of Trump, as well as the hostility to professionals and the chaos in governance. I've just bought The End, which promises to be as good as you suggest.

As a result, after viewing snippets of a couple of his rallies, I formed the conclusion that we were on the road to fascism.

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I'm glad you mentioned Kershaw. I've read The Hitler Myth and the abridged version of the Hitler bio. The idea of charismatic leadership prepared me for the ascent of Trump, as well as the hostility to professionals and the chaos in governance. I've just bought The End, which promises to be as good as you suggest.

As a result, after viewing snippets of a couple of his rallies, I formed the conclusion that we were on the road to fascism.

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Thanks for this! I find it really helpful to outline the motivations for Republicans "trapped" in Trumpism. It's a self-made prison, and the exit ramps you've listed here aren't enough to pull Republicans out of their cells.

Supporting Trump is a huge sunken cost, and for the people supporting him to turn away, there has to be some acknowledgement of the wasted time they've poured into him. I don't really think there is an avenue for Republicans to make that acknowledgement and salvage a political career. But what they can do is build a stronger, angrier prison for themselves. Even as they lose ground outside the walls, the base and the talking heads who feed Trumpism have a stronghold.

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Professor Zimmer, you have described how I have felt about republicans and their position on Trump of a long time. They’re all in too deep. They’ve lied to their constituents for so long, to go against Trump now would expose them for what they truly are, opportunists. Stick with Trump(ism) and try to hang on. If they lose, so be it but for now it seems to be a winning position for them personally. Go against Trump(ism) now is a sure fire loser for them.

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Very persuasive analysis, Professor Zimmer.

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This is excellent. I would only add:

The GOP has long been the party of rich white people. How, if you're them, do you get the non-rich to vote for you? You don't promise them anything substantive, that would actually improve their lives, because you hate "government" (until you suffer a hurricane, earthquake, flood, or pandemic), and you want to reduce taxes to zero (except for what pays for "defense"). So you frighten them and offer to protect them from a threat.

For decades, you had the USSR to serve that purpose. But Communism has pretty much disappeared. (Even "Red China" is capitalist.) What can the GOP use now to frighten the masses into voting for candidates whose only mission is to maximize their sponsors' wealth? Answer: "the Left." What threatens America, now that Communism has been largely defeated, is the Democratic Party, who want to take your guns, turn your children gay, and make Hillary Clinton the Boss of Everybody.

Of course it's stupid. Of course it's dishonest. Of course it's hypocritical, bigoted, misogynist, and, ultimately, fascist. But there are only three kinds of Republicans: the wealthy; the soulless opportunists who work for them; and the idiot masses. Of these three, the first two don't have priniples, and the third doesn't have much intelligence. So why not? How else are they supposed to resist the tide of history?

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I always love your analyses. This is spot on. They're trapped. The only thing that might change it is concerted leadership from A LOT of elected Rs strongly protesting Trump and the dehumanization of the Dems. And that's never going to happen. It would've happened already if it were ever going to happen. To add to your analysis, there's the in-group confirmation of supporting Trump. Rs get nothing for going against Trump and everything for supporting him. It's career suicide. See eg Liz Cheney. Let's all get on the sinking ship.

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"So, it’s really worth reflecting on this: Why are Republicans closing ranks behind Trump – again?"

Not complicated.

It's called fascism.

The fascist crowd will always rally to the fascist figurehead. That is the figurehead's function- to be the totem the fascist crowd will worship, so that they may indulge their predelictions for bigotry and brutality.

If the figurehead is condemned by the society, if his depraved criminality is exposed, and he is held to account for being a depraved criminal, then each individual member of the fascist crowd is themselves exposed as adherents of that same depraved criminality. To defend him is to defend themselves, to defend the dream of the world they are making every effort to construct- an apartheid state built to serve the preferences of cis gender hetero White Christians.

The fascist figurehead is the tool of the fascist crowd to accomplish this, so they desperately cling to him.

As I said, not complicated.

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Great piece. I note much the same "til the bitter end" mentality among those who supported the criminalization of marijuana use. To admit they were wrong would be admitting they're the kind of assholes who support throwing people in jail unjustly, and most people just aren't up to that level of self-reflection. Much better to just keep insisting it's a "dangerous drug" and they were right all along - everybody else is just misguided.

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Thank you for this, it reminds me of the film of the two cowboys having an affair, and one just couldn't get over the other. That is a central problem for believers. However, Trump himself has no beliefs, he is a cynical con man. I think a large number of Republican operatives, activists and financial supporters are aware the their leader's grift. Like him, they are motivated by financial opportunity and profit. This does connect into the evangelicals who assert that wealth is a sign of god's love. This makes the movement even more dangerous for it mainlines cash, the great American drug addiction.

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