I'm hearing that Hispanic and Asian voters chose Trump in dramatically higher numbers in 2024 than ever before.

If true, could this be a recapitulation of rightward shifts from past immigrant groups (e.g. Italian, Irish, German)? Is the price of admission to American society/status the disavowal of ethnic/cultural distinctions and adoption of other identities (economic, political)? Were these latest election results an offering of fealty to this order, and if so, will the Right accept it?

It hurts me to think that the melting pot metaphor for this country might be more apt than I thought, and if what we're seeing is in fact the emergence of America as a (somewhat) multiracial, (partially) pluralistic, and (not really) egalitarian democracy, it's a pretty disappointing sight.

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I just watched your interview with Leigh McGowan on her PoliticsGirl YouTube channel. https://youtu.be/WTrfOHmGv3A?list=TLPQMDcxMjIwMjKQBmC2Gb7fzA

I appreciated the very clear, direct explanation of America's current situation you provided during that discussion. This particular post in Democracy Americana tied in very nicely with that interview. I'm already looking forward to Part II. Thanks!

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Democracy AND the rule of law. They want to subjugate an even application of law.

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